Baca Gitu Loh - Sumatra - Heavy rain hit Lhokseumawe City on Sunday (24/12/2023) morning until late afternoon.
So that various areas in Lhokseumawe were flooded, especially the Banda Sakti, Muara Dua and Muara Satu sub-districts.
Floods also inundated the Medan-Banda Aceh National Road, namely in the Blang Pulo to Batuphat area, Muara Satu Lhokseumawe District.
Apart from that, one house unit in the Panggoi area, Muara Dua District, Lhokseumawe was hit by a landslide.
However, as of 15.15 WIB, there had been no reports of residents having to evacuate.
Zulkarnain, a resident of Teumpok Teungoh, Banda Sakti District, said that his house began to be flooded since 11.00 WIB.
By late afternoon, the water level in his house had reached an adult's knees.
"If this condition continues, we might have to evacuate tonight. It would be a shame for the children to have to stay in a flooded house," he said.
According to him, flooding also occurred in other residents' houses in the Tumpok Tengoh area.
Apart from that, various main roads in the center of Lhojseumawe City, such as Jalan Darussalam, Jalan Elektro, and others were also flooded.
Halimatussakdiah, a resident of the Panggoi Baqah Complex, Muara Dua District, also stated that her house began to be flooded since 12.00 WIB.
The same condition also occurred in other houses. But towards afternoon, the water in the house began to recede.
"This afternoon, the water was almost knee deep, if it has receded now, it's only about as deep as an adult's heel," he said. ***
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