Baca Gitu Loh - Java - President Joko Widodo visited Rogojampi Market, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province, on Wednesday, December 27 2023. His visit to the market was to check the prices of a number of basic necessities.
Upon arrival, President Jokowi immediately visited a number of stalls and asked traders directly about price conditions, starting from the price of chilies, shallots and rice. Siti, one of the traders approached by the President, said that the President asked her about the selling price of chilies.
"The price of chilies is IDR 75 thousand - small chilies, large chilies IDR 50 thousand," explained Siti in a separate statement.
Siti also said that the price had decreased compared to before, which could reach up to IDR 100 thousand per kilogram. "Hopefully the prices of basic necessities can go down again," he said.
Meanwhile, Nina, a basic food seller, said that the President also checked the price of rice and the market price supply stabilization rice stock (SPHP) from Bulog. Nina said that the distribution of SPHP rice in the market was relatively smooth.
“(The President asked) Is the stock running smoothly? Is the delivery smooth? "It went smoothly, thank God, it wasn't too late for the community," said Nina.
However, according to him, the price of rice is currently increasing. However, he believes that the existence of SPHP rice from Bulog can help the community face the price increase.
"Now rice has gone up a bit, but there is rice assistance from Bulog - this helps," he said.
Also accompanying the President were Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan, Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, and Regent of Banyuwangi Ipuk Fiestiandani.
(BPMI Presidential Secretariat) ***
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