Baca Gitu Loh - Java - President Joko Widodo stressed the importance of managing village funds into something that provides concrete benefits to the community in a village.
The affirmation was conveyed by the Head of State in his meeting with village heads throughout Serang Regency in Margagiri Village, Serang Regency, Banten Province, on Monday, January 8, 2024.
"I hope that the money-the budgeting that has entered the village is truly something for the village, to be able to trigger production productivity in the village," said the President.
Furthermore, President Jokowi explained that until now there are a number of infrastructure that have been built and provide benefits from the use of village funds that have been distributed by the government. One of them is the construction of a village road that has reached 350 thousand kilometers.
"It means that the regulation is approximately four kilometers, because there are 75 thousand villages, there are 350 divided into approximately four to five kilometers of perdesa. This is a very good result. Then also the village bridge that has been built data in me is 1,900,000 meters of village bridge. And this must continue to increase, increase, increase, "said the President.
The Head of State also said that the construction of the 350 thousand kilometer village roads was also a clear proof of the government that not only carried out large infrastructure development. Menururt the president, the number of village roads that have been built is much longer than the construction of toll roads throughout the country.
"So that we all know, don't just think about the big handling, precisely the more small ones, in fact the village road is 350 thousand (km). Then also the village market 14,600 is built, "he added.
"Then also the reservoir, the reservoir which was built from the village funds is 6,700 reservoirs, this is also not a small amount," he continued.
Therefore, President Jokowi appealed to village heads to plan infrastructure development well, one of which was through the preparation of building design. The President said, the central government through Bappenas will be ready to assist the village government in preparing the plan.
"They are ready to help you, mothers all to press, the important thing is that you, mothers, the village head has high enthusiasm, will definitely be assisted, God willing, will be assisted," he added.
In addition, the head of state also stressed that each village has different characteristics. Therefore, the President appealed to the village heads to build villages in accordance with the needs and potential of each village.
"Do not just imitate-the photocopy, not necessarily every village has the same advantages and potential. So that we really have to understand what village strength, what village potential must be calculated, so that it becomes an item that is beneficial to the people, "he said.
On this occasion, President Jokowi also appealed to the village heads to be able to maintain the velocity of money in his area. One way is to buy and use the original village goods or products in carrying out infrastructure development in the village.
"Even though I know the price of goods in the village with the city in the city may be 5 percent, 10 percent, 15 percent, it's okay, the important thing is that the velocity of money is in the village," he said.
Accompanying the President in the activity included the Minister of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency/Head of the National Land Agency/Head of the National Land Agency/Head of the National Land Agency Hadi Tjahjanto, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Acting. Banten Governor Al Muktabar, and Serang Regent Ratu Tatu Chasanah.
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