Baca Gitu Loh - Borneo - Banjar Police Chief AKBP Muhammad Ifan Hariyat said there were around 3.3 million pilgrims who took part in the 19th Haul of KH Muhammad Zaini bin Abdul Ghani or Guru Sekumpul Martapura, South Kalimantan.
"We got an estimate of the number of congregants who attended the Guru Sekumpul haul reaching 3.3 million from a number of cellular providers from people who used cellphones during the event," said Ifan in Martapura, Banjar Regency, Sunday evening.
According to Ifan, the millions of haul pilgrims are not only from Banjar Regency and South Kalimantan Province but there are also residents from outside Kalimantan Island and abroad.
Ifan said that the number of congregants was indeed millions of people, but the haul procession ran orderly and without significant obstacles, and there were no outstanding incidents from the start until the haul ended.
"Thank God, the series of Guru Sekumpul hauls ran safely, orderly and smoothly without any significant obstacles and there were no prominent incidents that disturbed the solemnity of the millions of pilgrims who attended," he said.
Ifan said that apart from the congregation which reached more than 3 million, the number of buses and four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles was also quite large, reaching 601 buses at 150 points spread across various places.
The number of four-wheeled vehicles from 196 parking spots was 151,119 units, followed by 1.2 million motorbikes and 533 motorized boats or boats moored at a number of piers.
"The number of vehicles is in accordance with the results of data collection carried out manually by the Transportation Department and is calculated according to the vehicles entering the parking pockets that have been provided at various points," he said.
After the haul process which began with congregational Maghrib and Isha prayers, congregation vehicles filled the main road of Sekumpul and Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani towards Banjarbaru and the Hulu Sungai area.
Meanwhile, rain began to fall in the Sekumpul area and the Banjarbaru City area at 22.00 WITA, so that some of the congregation took shelter in conditions where traffic flow was smooth with the help of officers managing the field.
Based on monitoring cameras, heavy rain hit Martapura City, so the streets were quite empty because many pilgrims riding two wheels took shelter along the road at 23.20 WITA. ***

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