NARASIBARU.COM- Simak yuk informasi loker terbaru yang sedang diumumkan PT Primaplast Indonesia yang butuh kandidat baru untuk ditempatkan di wilayah Serang Banten.
Dalam kesempatan ini, PT Primaplast Indonesia plant Serang Banten membuka loker terbaru dengan posisi tersedia adalah sebagai Head of Production.
PT Primaplast Indonesia berharap informasi loker terbaru ini dapat diketahui masyarakat yang ingin berkarir di Serang Banten.
Informasi selanjutnya simak di bawah ini.
Posisi: Head of Production
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- Planing production schedule in accordance with the Production Planning & Scheduling.
- Supervised and maintain a smooth production process.
- Ensure the production plan with good quality is achieved.
- Conduct internal investigations for process failures and product non conformities.
- Make actual reports and control the performance of all employees in the Production department and find solutions to problems encountered in order to avoid longer process stops.
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- Supervise and ensure the activities of the production process according to the order so that production targets can be achieved in accordance with predetermined deliveries.
- Make a report on the overall activities of the production process to Production & MTC Manager.
- Coordinate with another department.
- Able to manage time management.
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- Bachelor degree in Engineering or equivalent
- Minimun 2 years experience in manufacturing as Superintendent/ Asst. / Junior Manager
- Strong leadership and analytical in problem solving.
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- Able to work under pressure situation
- A great team player and desire to show initiative
- Able to operate MS. Office.
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